For many centuries, the rock-studded coastline and offshore island with hundreds of tiny coves made this place is a perfect place for pirates’ nest. But now those rock park became tourist attraction and the government of Bangka Belitung (Babel) Islands has made a proposal to UNESCO for Belitung Rock Park to be declared as a world geopark.
Many different kinds of rock we can see here, from the Metasedimentary rocks cover about half of Belitung Island. The Siantu Formation composed by pillow lava and volcanic breccia is located on the north of the Belitung Island. Tajam Formation and Siantu Formation probably inter-fingers with the formation of a permo carboniferous age. Tanjungpandan (Pandanus Cape) Granite unit lies on the northwest of Belitung Island which is part of the Southeast Asia granite belt spreads from Myanmar along the Malaca Peninsula to Belitung. The Adamelite Baginda Unit is located in the edge of southern part of Island age of Jurassic.